Krista A. Neis & Kelly Adams Keller Krista A. Neis & Kelly Adams Keller – Tranquility Group #6 from PaperWorks Tranquility. Like a river. Like a Georgia O’Keeffe landscapeStructure: Interlocked landscape inspired by New Mexico. Collage from handmade paperTranquility is a Journey. Always search for the blue! Signature page. Karen RushTran • quility man woman aspirational. Jim Stiven#1 Mixed media collage. Deco foil. Acrylic monoprint. #2 “Creativity is contagious, pass it on.” (passed-on print). Katherine NivenHandmade paper. Unryu ink. Watercolor. Wax. Judith ChristensenMy tranquil place is by water. Watercolor. San Diego. Julie HockingTranquility. Collage from Susan Corl’s handmade paper. Krista Neis & Kelly Adams Keller“Tranquility is a journey of stripping away the words and experiencing the moment.” From Karen Rush’s signature at top of landscape. Related Images: gallery