Circulos de la Vida – Cover – Acrylic monotypes with watercolors
Left- Helen Shafer Garcia – Growth upward. Right- Junardi Armstrong – watercolor papers and paints, razor cutter, representing spiraling moons
Circulos de la Vida. 4 needle Coptic stitch binding. Front and back covers with watercolor circle extensions.
Poem created using excerpts from each contributing artist’s colophon
Jane Sprague – Translations of the word “circle” by people who have had to make a circle in order to survive
Insiya Dhatt – Geometric cutouts with watercolor pochoir and sewing
Kathy Dannerbeck – An assortment of handmade Gelli prints, rice paper, Japanese papers, Lokta paper from Nepa
Jie Tian – Fresh calendula and Catalina Island fuchsia flowers, black sage leaf hand-pressed and drawn on paper. Speculations on color explore the colors that enliven our senses
and heal as well as how they shift our perspectives and perceptions
Circulos de la Vida. Overview showing the continuum of the circular shapes of alternating colors and patterns.
Detail of Acrylic monotype leaf shape
Circles of Life connects with our need for joy and happiness durning this pandemic year, 2020. The bright colors reminding us of Joni Mitchell’s lyrics: ” and the seasons, they go round and round, There’ll be new
dreams, maybe better dreams and plenty.”
Detail of collaged acrylic monotype circle shapes with divisions and watercolor circles drawn with pencil details