Traveling Book Project

3 Organizations ~ 13 Groups ~ 75 Members ~ 75 Books ~ 468 Envelopes being mailed back and forth ~ 468 Pages (some single, some double and some four sided!)

A Collaboration Between

View by Organization

Participating artists were current members of at least one of the three organizations: San Diego Book Arts, Bay Area Book Artists and PaperWorks.


The rules were simple

  • We assigned groups of 6 artists with members from each of the three organizations: San Diego Book Arts, Bay Area Book Artists and PaperWorks.
  • Participating artists were current members of at least one of the three organizations.
  • Each member of each artist group will make a book of 6 pages (maximum size 4” x6” closed; and ¼” thick open when filled),  set the theme of the book,  fill the first page, and mail it to the next member.
  • Each book will travel through all of the members of the group and eventually return to the originator to add a cover or finish it in any way they want. Any materials or artistic style will be acceptable as long as it meets the size requirement.
  • The books will be moved to the next member by 10 days after receipt so that the full project should be complete by the end of October.  

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